Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dare to Wear

Admit it, there are pieces of clothing or accessories that you want to wear but do not have the balls to put on.  Perhaps it is that bow tie that you purchased at Saks but have not worn since you bought it years ago?  
Bow ties, bow ties galore but not enough cojones to wear them as often as we want.
Maybe it is a pair of black and white spectator shoes your best friend gave you on his last trip to London?   
Black and white Spectators by Alfred Sargent given by my buddy Homer.
Is it the fear of crossing the thin line between great clothes and costumes?  Is it that nice piece of apparel or accessory that when added into your daily wardrobe makes you look like a poster boy of a bygone era?  Granted, the 1930’s and the 1940’s were arguably the best eras for men’s clothing, but strictly following the footsteps of Cary Grant, Gary Cooper and our very own Rogelio de la Rosa may make you look like you got buried even before you started living.
Rogelio de la Rosa, Philippine movie icon and perhaps one of the best dressed men of his generation.  Note the stylish pinkie ring.  Mr. de la Rosa is photographed here with leading lady Carmen Rosales (photo from Video48 site).
  This is a section of the blog that centers on pieces of classic apparel and accessories that give you that extra edge. In the same spirit, we wish to give advice so that you do not cross the fine line of style versus anachronism.  May you be that guy that you always look up to because he has the guts to wear what he wears.  As the Americans would say, it's that "fuck you" outfit that elicits admiration by sheer bravado. To paraphrase the great  Obi Wan Kenobi, "may the balls be with you!"

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